Divest from companies with high greenhouse gas emissions, substantial fossil fuel reserves, core business activities in extractive industries, or unmanaged financial risk associated with a changing climate.
Promoting socio-economic equity and justice Divest from companies that perpetuate poverty through predatory lending services, private prison operations, or gambling operations, as well as companies that promote unfair pay practices for their workers throughout the supply chain
Promoting justice and equity for women and their children Divest from companies with poor representation of women at all levels of seniority, inadequate diversity policies, or companies that have disproportionately negative impacts on women, especially pregnant women.
Promoting inalienable rights to freedom, justice, and peace Divest from companies with military weapons revenues, poor working conditions, connections to controversial regimes, or poor supply chain labor management.
James Brewer started Envision to provide values aligned investing and financial
planning to those who were underserved by traditional firms. Since then, Envision has been named one of the 20 Best Financial Advisors in Chicago by Expertise. InvestmentNews named him a 2023 Excellence Awardee in the (Environmental, Social and Governance) ESG Advisor of the Year Category.